Do you know How to Get Butter out of Clothes? Don’t allow a butter stain to ruin your day or make you feel guilty about eating that delicious buttery garlic bread. It is also not the end of the world, and no, you don’t need to throw your favorite shirt out. Instead, learn how to get the butter out of clothes easily and effectively.
We’ve all been there, enjoying a delightful moment eating yummy food when suddenly some butter decided to migrate all the way from your plate to your clothes. Butter stains can be really annoying because they demand you act quickly. The good news is, you can absolutely get rid of your annoying butter stain.
Now that you know you can salvage your stained piece of clothing, the process may take a few special products, but it is not rocket science either, so you have nothing to worry about. You do need to follow a few tips to make sure you do a good job. Check out below how to get the butter out of clothes.
How to Get Butter out of Clothes
Method 1: Laundry Detergent
- Blot off excess melted butter or scrape off excess dried butter with a dull knife or spoon.
- Pretreat clothing with a stain remover, such as Shout Liquid Laundry Stain Remover.
- Blot the stained area and launder as usual.
- If the stain remains after the initial wash, place the soiled clothing stain side down on an absorbent pad.
- Add liquid laundry detergent through the back of the stain and blot with a clean absorbent pad. Let sit for a few minutes.
- Launder again.
Recommended Product
Gain Laundry Detergent
Liquid laundry detergent with brilliant cleaning performance that leaves behind a refreshing Gain Original scent. It offers 6 weeks of freshness from wash until wear.

- Liquid
- Phosphate Free
Method 2: WD-40
The cleanser is an emulsifier, which helps lift oil from the fabric. It works best on dried butter stains that have gone unnoticed for a while. WD-40 helps to loosen the stain, so you can treat it and remove it from your clothing.
- Spray some WD-40 on the stained clothing.
- Let sit for a few minutes until it emulsifies the residual butter.
- Launder the clothing as usual.
Recommended Product
WD-40 Multi-Use
Drives out moisture and quickly dries out electrical systems to eliminate moisture-induced short circuits. Acts as a corrosion inhibitor to shield against moisture and other corrosive elements to prevent rust.
Removes grease, grime, gunk, gum, tar, sap, super glue, sticker residue, and other sticky stuff from multiple surfaces.

- Drives out moisture
- Smart Straw sprays 2 ways
- Flip-up for stream
Method 3: Baking Soda
- Remove any excess first
- Blot any butter stains with a paper towel, don’t rub; you don’t want to spread the stain.
- Generously sprinkle the powder onto any butter stains and leave the clothing overnight.
- In the morning, shake off the powder and wash as normal in the machine.
Recommended Product
ARM & HAMMER Pure Baking Soda
Versatile, effective, and affordable solution; use for baking, cleaning, deodorizing and more. Free of harsh chemicals and gentle enough to use on many surfaces.

- For baking, cleaning, and deodorizing
Common Questions Regarding How to Get Butter out of Clothes
How do you get melted butter out of clothes?
There are several ways to get the butter out of clothes which will go into detail later. In addition, you could try a few drops of ammonia to the stain before placing it in the washing machine.
Some people also swear shampoo does the trick. If you are up to try it, apply a few drops of clear or white shampoo to the butter stain and rub it in thoroughly before placing it in the washing machine.
Another technique you could try is to spray some inexpensive hairspray onto the butter stain before putting the article of clothing into the wash.
Another alternative requires pouring a bit of lighter fluid onto the butter stain and then rub or brush the fabric for the lighter fluid to be absorbed by the butter. The lighter fluid has properties that help absorb oil. However, this technique can be hazardous if you do not work in a well-ventilated area or apply the lighter fluid near a heat source.
Does butter come out of clothes easily?
Unfortunately, just like other greasy stains, butter and margarine contain a lot of oil that can quickly soak into fabrics. Since butter isn’t soluble with water, there’s no use in reaching for soap and water; or dry-cleaning solvents that can contain harmful ingredients.
So you may consider butter stains as a bit of an issue to remove. That said, the key to removing a butter stain from clothing is to act quickly.
How do you lift butter stains?
If it’s a big blob of butter, wipe off the excess onto a paper towel with a butter knife. Using a dull knife, lift the solids away from the fibers as possible to remove the stains.
- Grab a clean white cloth or paper towel and blot away as much of the butter stain as possible.
Do not rub because it will only push the oil deeper into the fibers and larger the stain.
Sprinkle the stain with cornstarch, baking soda, or talcum powder to absorb the oil.
Does Dawn get the butter out of their clothes?
Liquid dish soap has proven an effective product for removing grease, specifically the blue Dawn dish detergent. Apply it directly to the stain. Work it with your fingers and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before washing.
If the stain looks like it still needs work, you can cover the entire spot with liquid dish detergent; it is important to notice that you shouldn’t use any water.
- Rub the detergent into the stain and the surrounding fibers with your fingers or a soft brush.
- Don’t scrub too hard on delicate fabrics.
- You should see some quick results as the dish soap lifts out more of the greasy stain.
- Finish up by washing the garment as you normally would.
Can talcum powder helps to get the butter out of clothes?
This option works best if you get to the stain while it’s still wet before it’s had a chance to really set into the fabric. Talcum powder works because it is incredibly absorbent.
- Pat the powder gently down into the stain, but don’t rub it into the fabric.
- Let the powder sit for at least 30 minutes.
- Use the toothbrush to loosen the talcum powder from the surface of the stain.
- Brush it away with your fingers and assess how much stain has been left behind.
- Repeat the process until the stain is gone.
- Wash normally.
Should you put your butter-stained clothes in the dryer?
No! You really don’t want to do this. To complete your butter stain removal successfully, skip the dryer. It’s hard to tell if a butter stain is completely gone when the fabric is wet. If there is any residue from the butter, the dryer heat could set the stain permanently. Instead, air-dry the clothing so you can safely repeat your stain treatment if you need to.
How to remove dry butter stains?
When removing butter stains that have dried and set, it’s best to work on the stain while the fabric is dry. Remember, grease and oil don’t mix!
Pour distilled white vinegar onto the stain and give it a minute. The vinegar will dampen the stain without spreading it as the acids break down the oils. Let the fabric dry, and then treat the stain with an enzyme-based stain treatment.
How to get butter out of cotton clothing
Butter can be a real pain to get out of clothes – it seems to stain everything and is notoriously difficult to remove. But never fear, there are several ways to tackle this pesky problem.
The easiest way is to pre-treat the butter stain with a little bit of dish soap before putting it in the washing machine. Simply rub the dish soap into the stain, then launder as usual. This method should work on most fabrics, but it’s always best to test a small hidden area first to be sure.
You can use vinegar or hairspray if that doesn’t do the trick. Again, start by pre-treating the stain with either of these products, then launder as usual. These two items are great at breaking down grease, so they should be able to handle even the toughest butter stains.
If you’re still having trouble, you can use a commercial pre-treatment product designed for tough stains. Be sure to follow the directions on the package, and again, test a small hidden area of the fabric first. With a little bit of time and effort, you should be able to get that butter stain out of your clothes.
How to get popcorn butter out of clothes
If the butter is solid, start by scraping it off with a blunt object like a spoon. If it’s melted, dab at the butter with a paper towel to soak up as much as you can. Then, head to the laundry room. Add one scoop of detergent to your washing machine and run it on the hottest setting possible. If the grease stain is still there after the cycle, launder again.
You may need to treat the spot with a pre-wash stain remover before washing a second time. If all else fails, take the garment to a dry cleaner. They should be able to get the butter out without damaging the fabric.
When it comes to getting popcorn butter out of clothes, the best method is to scrape it off with a spoon if it’s solid, or dab at it with a paper towel if it’s melted. You can then launder the item on the hottest setting possible. If the stain is still there after one cycle, try laundering again.
You may need to treat the spot with a pre-wash stain remover before washing a second time. If all else fails, take the garment to a dry cleaner. They should be able to get the butter out without damaging the fabric.
How do I get butter stains out of clothing?
To remove butter stains from clothing, start by pre-treating the area with a laundry stain remover. Then, wash the clothes in the washing machine using hot water and detergent. If the stain is still visible after washing, you can try bleaching the area with oxygen bleach. Finally, if the stain persists, you can try using a commercial butter stain remover.
If you’re dealing with a fresh butter stain, start by blotting up as much of the excess butter as possible with a clean cloth. Then, pre-treat the area with a laundry stain remover or a paste made from equal parts baking soda and water.
Next, wash the clothes in the washing machine using hot water and detergent. If the stain is still visible after washing, you can try bleaching the area with oxygen bleach. Finally, if the stain persists, you can try using a commercial butter stain remover.
If you’re dealing with a dry butter stain, start by gently rubbing the area with a dry-cleaning solvent. Then, pre-treat the area with a laundry stain remover or a paste made from equal parts baking soda and water.
Next, wash the clothes in the washing machine using hot water and detergent. If the stain is still visible after washing, you can try bleaching the area with oxygen bleach. Finally, if the stain persists, you can try using a commercial butter stain remover.
If you’re dealing with a set-in butter stain, start by gently rubbing the area with a dry-cleaning solvent. Then, pre-treat the area with a laundry stain remover or a paste made from equal parts baking soda and water.
Next, wash the clothes in the washing machine using hot water and detergent. If the stain is still visible after washing, you can try bleaching the area with oxygen bleach. Finally, if the stain persists, you can try using a commercial butter stain remover.
Does butter stain fabric?
Butter will stain fabric if it is not removed quickly. The butter will melt and spread into the fabric, and then it will be hard to remove. To avoid this, use a butter knife to apply the butter to your food, and then wipe off any excess with a napkin. If you do get butter on your clothing, act quickly to remove it.
Apply a cold, damp cloth to the stain and blot it until the butter is absorbed. Then, wash the item in cool water with mild detergent. If the stain is still there after washing, you may need to treat it with a stain remover or take it to a dry cleaner.
So, the next time you’re enjoying a delicious piece of toast with butter, don’t worry about ruining your clothes. Just be sure to clean up any messes right away. Butter stains are no match for a quick-thinking and prepared person!
Additional Tips on How to Get Butter out of Clothes
- When removing butter stains from clothing, you should always use the hottest water the item can stand.
- WD-40, the product that protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates squeaky wheels, can also help rid butter stains from clothing.
- Examining the stained item as soon as you remove it from the washing machine is important. Some butter stains are hard to see when the clothing item is wet, so you should allow the item to air dry.
- Never place a wet-stained item into the dryer, as the stain will be almost impossible to remove once it is baked onto the clothing.